The Rose Valley Chorus & Orchestra presented its first production, Gilbert & Sullivan's The Mikado, at the Artsman's Hall (now Hedgerow Theatre) in Rose Valley on November 21, 1907. This performance united the wealth of musical and dramatic talent resident in the arts and crafts colony of Rose Valley into a group that is still vibrant and successful 105 years (and over 160 shows) later! Today we perform in the beautiful and modern theater at Strath Haven Middle School in Wallingford.
Today the Rose Valley Chorus & Orchestra draws its membership from the entire Delaware Valley, a result of its reputation for presenting professional-quality theatrical productions. The voices of the principals and chorus, with the musicianship of the full 35-piece orchestra, rank among the best of the area's many community musical theater groups.
Rose Valley Chorus & Orchestra now has two major theatrical productions each season (Fall and Spring) which includes Gilbert & Sullivan operettas, Broadway musicals, and other assorted operettas. Stage participation as a principal or chorus member is determined by audition. Audition dates are announced in Stage, local papers, and our Web site.
In 1997 Rose Valley Chorus & Orchestra purchased the old Middletown Firehouse in Media. It serves as our set construction site and houses our extensive costume and props collection.
Company Address
P.O. Box 414
Media, PA 19063
United States
Year Founded
Company Type
Active Status
About the Company
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