For the first time in their 85 year history, The Hull Savoyards present THE GRAND DUKE. One of their lesser performed shows, this exciting new setting moves the action to America’s Old West and the small, isolated town of Pfennig-Halbpfennig, led by the intractable and grumpy Sherif Rudolph, the ‘Grand Duke’. A local theatre troupe take it upon themselves to overthrow the despot and replace him with their manager, Ernest Dumkopf, but things don’t go to plan and instead, Ludwig, their leading comedian, ends up in the role and married to four women at the same time, with hilarious consequences!
Featuring shot-gun weddings, card games and duels at high noon, this show promises to be a great night out for all the family.
The show will be performed at Cottingham Civil Hall on Fri 21st and Sat 22nd June, Hessle Town Hall on Fri 28th June, and Holme-on-Spalding-Moor Village Hall on Sat 29th June. For more information, email [email protected].
Production Dates
Full orchestra (21+)
Cottingham Civic Hall.
United Kingdom
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