Encore! Educational Theatre Company presents
a spectacular new production of Gilbert & Sullivan’s beloved musical delight for the entire family!
Stage direction by Robert Binder
Musical Direction by Paul Salter
Choreography by Arlene Chertoff
Performed in English with Hebrew surtitles
בליווי כתוביות בעברית
HMS Pinafore is certainly one of the world’s most beloved musical entertainments, and absolutely, positively the oldest, longest running musical comedy in the repertoire (meaning that every year since 1878, somebody somewhere has been sailing the ocean blue); and now Pinafore is sailing our way, docking first in Jerusalem for eight performances at the Hirsch Theater (evenings of Dec. 27, 29, Jan. 3, 4, and 5; matinee on Jan. 5) then in Ra’anana for two performances at the Mishkan theater on Jan. 2, and finally in Zichron Yaakov at Beit Nir on Jan. 8.
Gilbert and Sullivan’s magic transforms an typical boy-meets-girl, boy-loses-girl, boy-gets-girl story into a musical bonanza, a delicious romp, spoofing all things Victorian: the Queen’s Navy, the rigid class system of the time, and patriotism gone berserk. Plus we will offer up the greatest satiric figure of all, the First Lord of the Admiralty, who arrives at his position without any merit, talent, or knowledge (When I was a lad I served a term as office boy to an attorney’s firm….). We don’t know anybody like that today, do we???!!!!!
Speaking of magic, there is no other word to describe this production from the justly esteemed Encore Educational Theatre Company, who over the last five years have been performing high quality, fully staged and choreographed G&S (Mikado, Pirates of Penzance, Ruddigore) and American musical comedies (Oklahoma, Carousel, Fiddler on the Roof).