Start with a band of rollicking pirates who get caught with a gaggle of proper maidens, then add in some ridiculous logic, whimsical Major General, the Keystone Cops, and a misplaced sense of duty. The result is a comic masterpiece loved by audiences the world over.
Stage Director: Mark Blattel
Music Director: Jeff Yaeger
The Pirate King: Jordan Eldredge
Frederick: Adrien Gleason
Mabel: Diane Squires
Major General Stanley: Michael Cuddy
Ruth: Ann Hubble
Sergeant of Police: Dan Morris
Samuel: Jeremiah Lee
Edith: Jennifer Martin
Kate: Rebecca Maiten
Isabel: TBD
Chorus of Pirates and Police: Jeff Boylan, Daniel Burns, Bob Crabb, Mike Ewaska, Dennis Gaushell, Paul Melville, Jonathan Roth, Daniel Smith, Jim Snell, Will Todd, Steven Wright, Dan Zuvelic
Chorus of Daughters: Heather Baumrucker, Elizabeth Clement, Jane Crockford, Doreen Finkelstein, Katia Hayati, Lindsay Ip, Justine Lauren, Melina Lora, Kayla Navarro, Alex Quinn, Deborah Roth, Juliana Wetherwax