The Pirates of Penzance, performed by the Connecticut Gilbert & Sullivan Society, CT's premier Gilbert & Sullivan group, sails into the Performing Arts Center at Valley Regional High School, Deep River, CT.
See what happens when an innocent young lad is accidentally apprenticed to a band of inept, sherry-sipping pirates. Full of madcap comedy and great music, this production features full sets and costumes and is accompanied by a full 22 piece orchestra.
Performance Dates and Times
Saturday, October 15th at 2:00PM
Saturday, October 15th at 7:30PM
Sunday, October 16th at 2:00PM
Ticket Prices
Adult $25 advance sale, $30 at the door
Student $15 at all times
purchases of 10 or more tickets receive a 10% discount
Take advantage of a special day-of-performance 10% discount on your meal at one of our local partner restaurants and get ready for some great fun at the theater.
Get your tickets now by calling (860) 554-1256 or by visiting the Connecticut Gilbert & Sullivan Society web site: CTGANDS.ORG/TICKETS.