Well the name says it all!
Bus Pass Opera was formed three years ago by Festival founder and Chairman Ian Smith.
All the performers are 60 years plus and in 2014 the combined age of everyone on the stage was in excess of 2000 years… But never fear, there isn’t a glimmer of zimmer to be seen and these more mature individuals can certainly give our younger performers a run for their money.
The show will be directed by Bruce Graham an original ex-D’Oyly Carte star and one of our favourite performers with the G & S Opera Company.
The Sorcerer is an uproariously funny operetta which turns class and social structure on its head. Alexis is obsessed with idea of love levelling all ranks and social distinctions. To promote his beliefs, he invites the proprietor of J W Wells & Co., Family Sorcerers, to brew a love potion. Chaos ensues as everyone in the village drinks the potion and falls in love with the first person they see when they awake. The results are some hilarious pairings of comically mismatched couples. In the end, Wells must decide whether to sacrifice his life to break the spell.