G&S Resources

An annual festival of professional, amateur, and university productions of G&S in Buxton each August 

Videos from the International G&S Festival from 1994 to today. GSOpera.tv is not affiliated with GSOpera.com.

Harry Benford's famous Gilbert & Sullivan Lexicon of G&S terms is free and searchable here at GSOpera.com.

Sam Silvers & others have curated top-quality content about all things G&S. Follow links from this main entry.

Only Idle Chatter from Gilbert & Sullivan Austin, program notes & articles by Ralph MacPhail, Jr. Proceeds to GSA Libby Weed Scholarship Fund.

Find historical resources for the works of W.S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan in this curated archive.

Marc Shepherd's extensive and discerning review of audio and video recordings of Sullivan's work

Discuss operas and productions past, present, and future at the Gilbert and Sullivan Society of Facebook group.