GSOpera has refreshed. Our goal is to provide a place for companies to list themselves, announce productions, and to host Harry Benford's Gilbert and Sullivan Lexicon. Here is what has changed.
Benford Lexicon
The Benford Lexicon includes all of the material for the 3rd edition, but it is now ready for substantial updates from our editor, Ralph MacPhail, who will restore material from earlier editions as well as adding new material.
The layout of the lexicon has also been streamlined for easier access. Let us know if there are any features you would like.
Companies, Productions, and Audition Notices
We carried forward listings of 291 companies, schools, and societies that produce G&S (now or in the past). We have streamlined the form for adding new companies, and we provide a link to the company website instead of storing contact information here.
We carried forward listing of 694 productions, including the original D'Oyly Carte runs. We streamlined the form for adding a production, and we include links for the website, tickets, YouTube channels, and other social media accounts. We now ask only for opening and closing date; we do not collect individual performance dates/times.
We still provide a form to announce auditions. You must have a Company listed to link to the notice.
We still have a full reference list of G&S Operas, Songs, and Characters. We plan to add libretti for the Songs and the Lexicon in the near future.
Easy to Add Content
It is much easier to add a Company Page, add a Production, or post an Audition Notice. Current settings will let any visitor add content, but if that turns out to be unworkable, it could be restricted to logged-in users. Submitted items will be reviewed promptly by the site moderator to block inappropriate content.
Users who have logged in to in the last 3 years have been carried over, although you will have to reset your password.)
Removed Content
We have removed some of the less-used content types that, while a nice idea, cluttered the site and was not often used:
- Talent pages
- Venues and their locations
- Cast lists that match Talent to Productions
- YouTube links
- Individual performance dates & times
We may add this content back in the future if there is value in it.
Resource Links
We feature links to some of the most-used G&S resources on the web, including the International G&S Society and their service, the G&S Archive, Marc Sheperd's G&S Discography, and the G&S Society of Facebook. Let us know if there are other resources we should list here.
Coming Soon (Possibly)
- A marketplace for groups and individuals to announce their publications and products
- Librettos that link to the Lexicon and song lists
Contact Us
You may use the contact form on this site to offer your comments and suggestions. Enjoy!